May Product Update

May Product Update

Mark Gilbert


Mark Gilbert


May 23, 2024

July 1, 2024

May Product Update

We're excited to announce our biggest update yet, driven by your valuable feedback.

  • Completely redesigned user interface with new features including: Custom Notepad, Comments, Result Explainer, and Rich Text editing capabilities
  • Personalizable Financial Summary
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Household support in Wealthbox
  • Google Meet Support
  • ‘Ask Anything’ to search details about contacts  across multiple meetings
  • More Meetings: Everyone gets more meetings in their plans with no price increase

Let’s get into the details!

New User Interface

You can start using the new UI by switching in the top left corner on the Meeting page.

Highlight menu: 

  • Custom Notepad: It is now much easier and faster to process meeting results or highlight and pull specific text out to create custom meeting notes in the Notepad. With one click you can send your custom notes to CRM from the Notepad, while keeping the rich text format.
  • Comments: Discuss meetings directly in Zocks. Team members can respond, edit, and delete comments, with all meeting-related comments displayed for internal reference.
  • Results Explainer: You can now highlight text and click "Explain" for more context. Zocks will show a quick explanation for where the results came from in a paraphrased segment of the transcript.

Task Management: Copy, delete, or send tasks to your Notepad. Add, edit, and mark Tasks as completed. Send Tasks to your CRM with one click.

Rich Text: Results now include richly formatted text, which can be edited and sent to your CRM while preserving the formatting (depending on the CRM).

Personalizable Financial Summary

If you follow a specific meeting agenda and want your notes to follow the same format, you can now personalize the Financial Summary to match. As one of the most requested features, similarly to the Follow-Up Email, you can now customize the format of the Financial Summary to reflect your firm’s process and personalized style in the meeting results.

You can upload your current notes and customize our Financial Summary.

Ask Anything

As you add your clients as Contacts in Zocks, you’ll have the ability to search across meetings to find key discussion points and information. You don’t have to go looking at multiple meetings summaries to find a key point. With ‘Ask Anything’, Zocks will search across all your past meetings, show the results, and point you to the meeting where the most recent answer can be found.

Tax Implications Preset

We’ve added a new preset. The Tax Implication Preset is a structured report containing topics discussed that may have tax implications, which can be used as a baseline for tax preparation and financial planning purposes. 

Salesforce Integration

Connecting to Salesforce is now available on Zocks. Practifi, XLR8 and custom objects in Salesforce can be mapped from Zocks.

Google Meet Support

Google Meet is now supported. Invite your Zocks assistant by either adding to your calendar events or by connecting your calendar in Zocks, and your Zocks assistant will automatically join your Google Meet Meetings from now on.

More Meetings

We have increased the number of meetings included for both our Advanced and Professional licenses, we want you to never worry about meeting limits.

Number of meetings depending on your billing period: 

  • Advanced: 50/month or 600/year
  • Professional: 100/month or 1200/year

This also means that we reset your meeting counter in your billing period on May 6th.

We’d love to hear from you

Share your thoughts on how we can make Zocks even better by clicking the messenger icon at the bottom right corner. Your insights play a crucial role in enhancing the product, and we genuinely appreciate your contribution.

Thank you for using Zocks!

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